The Ultimate Origami Resource Site.

The Ultimate Origami Resource Site is a website I created to help people easily find origami resources.

Origami has been a hobby of mine for most of my life and I have always been frustrated by how hard it is to find specific diagrams or articles on the Internet.

Many if not most of the sites that appear in Google searches for origami are full of broken links and terrible navigation.

This is why I decided to make a sort of master website where aspiring origami artists can go to easily find diagrams, crease patterns, articles, tutorials, videos and everything else origami related.

On the site you’ll also find a showcase of talented origami artists, links to where to buy origami supplies and books as well as an origami blog.

There are currently links to over 1000 origami diagrams and crease patterns, many artists being showcased, a ton of links and I plan to add a lot more content to the site in the upcoming weeks so check back often.

Visit the Ultimate Origami Resource Website

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